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Can You Reuse Peanut Oil? - Can You Reuse?

Can You Reuse Peanut Oil?


Yes, you can reuse peanut oil. However, there are certain factors to consider to ensure the oil remains safe and maintains its quality.

Reusing Peanut Oil: The Basics

Peanut oil is popular for deep frying due to its high smoke point, which allows it to be heated to high temperatures without smoking. This results in food that is crispy on the outside and moist on the inside.

According to the Texas Peanut Producers Board, peanut oil may be used three or four times to fry turkeys before signs of deterioration begin. If properly strained and stored, you can reuse peanut oil two to three times before it shows signs of deterioration.

However, it’s important to note that the oil does break down with each use, so reusing it multiple times can cause the quality to quickly deteriorate.

peanut oil

How to Store and Reuse Peanut Oil

To reuse peanut oil, you need to strain it and store it in a lidded container in a cool, dark place. Once you’re done frying, let the oil cool completely in the frying vessel. Once it’s cooled, strain it — ideally using a cheesecloth set in a fine mesh strainer — into a clean vessel, like a glass jar or the original container it came in.

Signs of Deterioration

Peanut oil is unfit to use if it foams, fails to bubble, or smokes excessively when you add the food during deep-frying. Do not use if it has a rancid smell or turns a darker color.

Health Considerations

While peanut oil is associated with several health benefits, it also oxidizes easily and is high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. Therefore, it’s important to round out your diet with a variety of other healthy fats, including nuts, seeds, coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, MCT oil, or avocados.


Q. How many times can you reuse peanut oil?

A.The number of times you can reuse peanut oil depends on what you’re frying in it and how well you’ve strained it. There’s no hard and fast rule for when oil is no longer suitable for frying; instead, pay attention to your oil and detect any changes.

Q. Is it safe to reuse peanut oil?

A.Yes, it is safe to reuse peanut oil if it is properly strained and stored, and if it does not show signs of deterioration such as foaming, failing to bubble, smoking excessively, having a rancid smell, or turning a darker color.

Q.What are the benefits of reusing peanut oil?

A. Reusing peanut oil can provide cost savings, enhance the flavors of your dishes, offer convenience, and improve cooking performance. It is also an environmentally friendly choice.

Q. What are the health considerations when reusing peanut oil?

While peanut oil has several health benefits, it also oxidizes easily and is high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. Therefore, it’s important to balance your diet with other healthy fats.

In conclusion, while you can reuse peanut oil, it’s crucial to do so responsibly to maintain the quality of the oil and ensure it remains safe for consumption.

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